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“We have doubled our volume of work in the time since we began using WebCenter but have the same number of people dealing with the management processes.”

Agustí Mercè – Almirall, Product Operations Planning Manager

“WebCenter gives me all the information I need. I no longer have to spend my time emailing and tracking down approvals from all the stakeholders of the project. Everyone involved can see the status of the project, and the possible delays – even if they are the bottleneck.”

Maïa Barbier – Ansell, WebCenter Project Manager for the Industrial Global Business Unit

"No longer do we need to wait for approvers to markup a printed copy, we can simply review online, whether in or out of the office and we are reminded by WebCenter when approval deadlines are due.”

Lorna Thomson – Goodman Fielder, Senior Brand Manager

"Before WebCenter, we were struggling with process – no clear visibility, projects would get stuck and we encountered failed deadlines."

Ebbe E. – MARS, Packaging Graphics Project Manager

“Artwork review and quality has improved significantly. Briefing has become more consistent, and we have a better understanding of how long different types of jobs take, with the breadth of work across the globe now far higher than 12 months ago.”

Joy Stevenson – MPM, Project Manager

“The WebCenter functions are ideal for various creative workflows. But the principle is always the same – documents are collected, processed internally or externally, approved, and then archived. The adaptability of WebCenter is ideal for us.”

Titus Helmke – Kärcher, Head of Packaging Design

“Our previous process took anywhere from 60 to 90 days. Now, our goal is to have a package produced in half that time. In some cases, we are able to implement a change to a package in as little as 21 days.”

Eric Humbert – Ansell, Project Manager for Medical Global Business Unit

“Finding a way to automate and digitize and reduce by over 90% the time it takes to prepare the artwork was vital to us.”

Andreia Fontes – Philip Morris International, Director Global Packaging

“WebCenter is our preferred approval decision-making tool. All parties involved in the approval process can see the specific information they need to see in time and can take immediate action. This speeds up the approval cycle in a very efficient and effective way.”

Nico Schenk – Vandemoortele, Packaging Specialist