The Benefits of Artwork Automation Software - Esko

Automated Artwork for Life Sciences

Reduce Risk & Increase Efficiency: Approve artwork updates and automatically push each change to the final artwork output, and all variations.

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How WebCenter Artwork Automation Works

Esko’s Artwork workflow enables approved content changes to automatically be applied to packaging and labeling outputs, in some cases with minimal or no operator intervention. This drastically reduces costly manual touch points while increasing consistency and right-first-time metrics. Moreover, the solution prioritizes traceability and audit trails, ensuring complete tracking of all changes, even those automated, which is crucial for highly regulated industries with stringent compliance requirements.

Learn more about WebCenter

What You Can Do With WebCenter Artwork Automation

Eliminate Copy/Paste

In the traditional labeling change workflow, the production artist’s best friend is copy/paste. Content may be copied from a variety of different places and it’s up to the production artist to make sure they have the right source and version for each content element. It’s a repetitive, tedious process that then needs to go through rounds of reviews & approvals. With Automated Artwork, the copy/paste goes away, and approved content elements are applied through the WebCenter workflow to the applicable artwork.

Batch Changes

With a copy/paste approach, the effort is multiplied when a standard content element needs to be updated. These initiatives can take months of effort and there is always a risk of something being missed. With Automated Artwork these batch changes can happen in a streamlined way, still controlled through the WebCenter workflow for full traceability.

Deliver Consistency

Most content elements are re-used, whether it’s a warning statement specific to one product that impacts the label, carton and insert across a range of dosages, sizes and presentations, or a manufacturing address change that impacts entire product lines. These changes need to be in sync all the time. With automation, the same change can be made across all formats, ensuring consistency. And those formats can include e-formats, giving you the ability to keep electronic versions of content up to date with physical versions.

Streamline Your Change Process

Using artwork layout templates - whether for a label, carton, blister pack, or multipage inserts or leaflets - content elements (text, barcodes, symbols, images, etc. ) can be mapped to each template so updates can be automatically applied. Already have a Content Management solution to manage some of your content? We can integrate with it.

Learn more about Content Management

Work With Industry Standard File Formats

If you’re a production artist you’re likely familiar with Illustrator and InDesign, the two Adobe design products most commonly used for artwork. Illustrator has typically been used for more complex label and carton designs while InDesign is the tool of choice for Inserts and other multiple-page documents and for some less complex label designs. The level of automation - from semi-automated (requiring user intervention), to fully automated - varies based on the complexity of artwork & design tool being used. Talk with Esko to learn what’s possible for your product portfolio.

The Benefits of WebCenter Automated Artwork

Cost Savings


Regulatory Compliance

Risk Reduction
