WebCenter: A packaging management solution for brands & suppliers - Esko


For end-to-end digitization of business processes

WebCenter: A packaging management solution for brands & suppliers

The only packaging management solution your business will ever need

Today, packaging suppliers face a growing number of challenges due to the ongoing digitization of the industry and the evolving uses of print. Businesses need the tools to efficiently feed presses, take time out of the production process and gain greater operational control.

WebCenter provides a web-based application platform specifically tailored for the packaging graphics industry which manages your internal process end-to-end, to help deliver right first-time print, with advantageous reporting, metrics and process optimization.

With WebCenter you have the ultimate solution to empower your digital transformation from strategy to execution..

Start growing today

With tools to make every part of your packaging workflow better, getting started has never been easier.

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WebCenter is available as 3 turnkey solutions

The most advanced approval tool on the market

WebCenter is a powerful, secure, web-based packaging management and collaboration platform that allows for companies of all sizes to digitize their processes and meet their challenges head on.

As packaging suppliers often have to modify incoming files to fix issues, they need to get approval from customers before they can push the file to the production process. WebCenter manages all aspects of the preproduction specification, approval and project lifecycle to remove the bottlenecks that are most commonly associated with the packaging design to production process.

WebCenter helps with


New requests can be initiated much faster, with more quality.

Search & Reports

Better risk management and clear visibility on bottlenecks.

Process Management

50% lead time reduction on packaging creation with half the resource utilization.


Approval cycles are 3 times faster and number of revisions reduced by 60%.

Integration with business systems

Reduce risk, avoid data duplication and speed up handover.


or customized

WebCenter is available as a bespoke solution or as a turnkey solution. Turnkey solutions have been preconfigured with industry-specific templating and feature best practice, customizable workflows for the creation of structural designs, artwork, and estimates at speed.

Preconfiguration means there is no scoping and design work to be done, so you will be up and running and realizing a return on your investment in a matter of days.

Turnkey solutions are available for Corrugated, Folding Carton and Label converters.

WebCenter: preconfigured or bespoke

5 keys to increase the efficiency of your packaging projects

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5 keys to increase the efficiency of your packaging projects
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