Choose the ArtPro+ VDP Expansion bundle that fits you - Esko

Artpro+ VDP Expansion

With this module you can turn Variable Data Printing (VDP) templates into optimized PDF files for digital presses.

  • Output is a multiple page PDF - the industry standard - that can be processed by a digital press
  • Database checks, rule verification, and pre-flight capabilities check VDP jobs for potential printing issues BEFORE going to press.

ArtPro+ VDP Expansion is an option that can be added to any perpetual or subscription license of ArtPro+. It cannot be used as a standalone product.

ArtPro+ VDP Expansion Named Subscription

41917 USD
per month

ArtPro+ VDP Expansion Dynamic Subscription

54500 USD
per month

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Tel.: +32 (0)9 216 93 77

Tel.: +1 937-560-3114

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Tel.: +65 6349 2271