Istanbul-based Matris Ambalaj Süreç Yönetimi offers an Esko-based print preparation service to support client packaging production.
Gent (Belgium), 16 November 2016 – Packaging converter Matris Ambalaj Süreç Yönetimi has chosen to partner with Esko to bring market-leading packaging and process management services to its brand owner customers. The company separated from brand design agency PARISTANBUL in 2011 in order to perform print preparation work as a separate company and with a new vision.
“We wanted to be able to handle process management for our clients and understood that this approach required us to reorganise and create a fresh infrastructure,” says Mehmet Çiftçi, Head of Matris. “We got the ball rolling by partnering with Esko, using WebCenter as our online packaging management platform to make process management for all types of packaging possible.
“Following our separation from PARISTANBUL, we began our new business by continuing with clients we had been working with for many years,” Mehmet continues. “We are supporting the production of a wide range of packaging types using multiple printing techniques and every kind of material structure. This variety makes for an exciting offering that is synergistic with the operating practices of our clients. But it requires a sophisticated approach to ensure that we can manage complex job flows through the company.” Mehmet adds that he has been using Esko’s ArtPro since 2002, and now also uses ArtiosCAD, Studio and WebCenter. This combination of solutions enables the company to deliver on its vision.
“WebCenter is one of our latest investments,” Mehmet reports. “It was the solution I was waiting for in order to be able to perform process management directly for the client. One of the reasons we chose WebCenter now is Esko’s release of its SaaS (software as a service) alternative. With all IT services provided by Esko, we can focus on our core business; and that offers us many advantages. We signed the contract for its installation in the final months of 2015, and by January 2016 it was installed, training was complete, and we started to provide our service to our first client. We spent 1.5 months documenting all our clients’ processes internally, uploaded their workflows, and after providing training, we started to work with the majority of our clients using this convenient online collaborative approach. Now, our clients are very happy to see approval loops finishing in max. 8-9 days instead of a few weeks. On the other hand, the number of revisions decreased from 8-9 to 3-4 through WebCenter viewer tools.”
Mehmet continues; “Last year, we gave one of our clients - a major International Yeast Company - the design renovation service for 38 SKUs. The project was completed in 4 months. In 2016, they worked with us for a special design renovation project for 332 SKUs, which we were able to handle with success by leveraging our WebCenter platform. They are very impressed with the result; 75% of the project was already completed in the third month.”
Mehmet explains, “Turkey is evolving rapidly. We are progressing quickly toward unilateral adoption of global standards in production. While this represents important forward progress, it also incurs additional costs. In order to offset those costs, we must improve productivity. This ability to offer cost-efficient process management is what sets us apart from our competition. It includes speedy packaging prepress, excellent color management and accurate printing. Acting as project managers for our clients is the most effective way for us to deliver quality results, and WebCenter is a critical enabler in our ability to do so.”
Mehmet points out that WebCenter enables the company to gather all stakeholders around one virtual table to set targets together and agree on roles and follow through for the duration of the project. He adds, “With process management being among our company’s key services, we use the same tools and techniques in our own business. Esko has provided significant support to us, both internally and with clients, as we continue to grow our experience and knowledge base. This includes not only support for WebCenter online packaging management system, but also Studio, a unique set of tools for 3D packaging design, ArtiosCAD structural design software for packaging design and our Kongsberg tables. In the further phase, we plan to add ArtPro+ packaging preproduction editor. Esko has proven to be a true partner as we have proceeded with the transformation of our company.”