Why the cloud? 7 ways cloud computing can help your business - Esko

April 6, 2021

Why the cloud? 7 ways cloud computing can help your business

With the launch of a new whitepaper and a series of ‘Behind The Scenes’ interviews with its software development team, Esko has developed a set of resources to outline the benefits of packaging industry businesses transitioning to the cloud.

Here’s seven ways that cloud-based solutions can deliver benefits to you and your business:

1. Improved flexibility

Your business’s data can be accessed by licensed operators anytime, anywhere and from your mobile, laptop or desktop.

2. Streamlined IT

With cloud-based solutions, your business’s IT resourcing can be streamlined with a reduced need for IT hardware, equipment, servicing and maintenance.

3. Scale up/down

Need more computing horsepower? Cloud computing gives you flexibility to quickly scale up or down your operations as required.

4. Safe and secure

Cloud back-up ensures secure safe data recovery in the event of unforeseen issues.

5. Connectivity +

The ability to access to the same files whenever and wherever required enables teams, customers and suppliers to communicate and share 24/7

6. Work practice flexibility

Improved connectivity and access to data means teams can work effectively from home, abroad, or while traveling. This has become increasingly important in recent years, particularly in the wake of recent worldwide disruptions.

7. Updated automatically

Never worry about forgetting to update – automatic software updates ensure your system is regularly updated with the latest technology and service upgrades.

To learn more about the endless benefits of cloud computing to the packaging industry, check out the new ‘Behind the Scenes’ videos herehere and here, or to download your free copy of the Esko whitepaper, Cloud Freedom – delivering operational efficiency, data security and flexibility for print and packaging suppliers, visit here.

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